вторник, 1 ноября 2011 г.

Don't ignore obstetrician liability concerns

Everyone agrees that the current C-section rate, at 33%, is a national scandal. How has it reached this level?

Obstetricians have been desperately trying to explain how liability concerns are driving the rising C-section rate, yet they are consistently ignored. That's rather surprising since obstetricians perform the C-sections and have much greater insight into their motivations than anyone else. But everyone from insurance company executives to health policy experts to "natural" childbirth advocates disparage and ignore doctors' explanations. How do they justify ignoring the very people whose behavior they wish to change?

Law professor Sandra Johnson offers insights into doctors' concerns and how they are ignored in, of all places, a law review article entitled, Regulating Physician Behavior: Taking Doctors' "Bad Law" Claims Seriously.

Doctors frequently claim that the very law intended to improve the lot of their patients is instead making the doctors provide poor care. These "bad law" claims are levied against malpractice litigation that makes doctors practice "defensive medicine"; ... against antitrust laws that prevent doctors from organizing themselves in ways that would produce more cost-effective and accessible care; and against regulations that impede important medical research. These “bad law” claims assert that the law's effort to promote patient health and well-being has actually caused significant harm.
And why have these concerns been ignored?
Medicine’s complaints ... [have come] to be characterized as the work of a self serving guild, rather than a profession motivated by altruism and armed with expertise, or at least as the work of the recalcitrant "bad apples" who continued to resist improvements that the more enlightened among them embraced. These narratives marginalized physicians' ... claims and diminished them as a source of legitimate information about the effectiveness of reform efforts.

Rather than addressing the substance of doctors' arguments, experts and lay people have denied that there the complaints are legitimate, ascribing them to greed and self interest. Yet in the case of medical liability, as in other areas of medical "reform," doctors are often right.
What if we take doctors' claims seriously? What can we learn about the impact of liability concerns on medical practices including Cesarean sections?

Professor Johnson explains that doctors' liability concerns are not simply ignored; even when they are directly addressed, they are often dismissed as irrelevant by those who don't or won't understand their impact on individual practitioners. She identifies a number of these dismissive behaviors.

All's not well that ends well

Policy experts and lay people alike often point to the fact that physicians win most malpractice suits as evidence that doctors shouldn't worry about being sued. But as Prof. Johnson notes:
The enforcement process itself [in this case, the lawsuit] also imposes significant penalties in the course of identifying violators. These penalties are distinct from formal penalties levied after a conclusive finding that a violation has occurred. These “penalties of the process” exert their own deterrent effect. When substantial, they will produce avoidance behaviors on the part of those who might fall within the investigative net even though the likelihood that they will be subject to formal sanctions is nil or close to it.
In other words, the risk of being sued has a deterrent effect, regardless of whether the viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy wins or loses. And who would know better than the doctors themselves?
The deterrence effect of these informal penalties may produce results that actually undermine the goals of the formal legal requirements. Yet, they are all but invisible—they make no appearance in the formal description of the standards and procedures incorporated in the law. The best information available concerning the operation of this shadow system of enforcement comes from the people who experience it, those doctors who claim that there is "bad law" causing them to avoid doing the right thing.
The interminacy of law

Lay people in particular like to claim that if the doctor "does the right thing," he or she has nothing to worry about. That is startlingly naive view.
... It is hardly ever the case that lawyers can tell doctors: "I assure you that you have nothing to be concerned about ... You are safe." ... So, instead, what doctors often hear lawyers say is: "Well, anyone with a filing fee can sue you, but they are not going to win." This consolation ... has to ring hollow to anyone who has been the defendant in any suit, even one that is eventually dismissed. Instead of reassurance, one could understand that this phrase would be heard as confirmation of the unpredictability of the legal hammer.
Asymmetrical legal risk
At times, legal risk is lined up entirely on one side as the doctor looks at the risks of particular decisions... [W]hen we began our work on pain management in 1995, only the doctor who prescribed opioids for his patients in pain faced investigation, sanctions, and liability claims. The doctor who used the less effective medications and neglected their patient’s pain faced no legal risk at all.
The same asymmetrical risk applies to C-sections. An obstetrician who fails to perform a C-section can be accused of negligence if there is anything wrong with the baby. An obstetrician who performs a C-section, even one that is not medical necessary, faces no legal risk at all.

Professor Johnson's most important message is that it is time to start taking physician liability concerns seriously instead of dismissing such complaints are motivated by greed and self interest:
[We] must accept that well-intentioned regulatory standards and enforcement systems can have negative outcomes as physicians react, and patients suffer as a result. Taking physicians' "bad law" complaints seriously brings physician behavior to the table as a credible and legitimate factor in evaluating the performance of the law... Taking “bad law” claims seriously appreciates that the behavior-inducing effects of the enforcement effort may thwart the goals of the regulation itself.
Ignore obstetricians liability concerns and the C-section rate will continue to rise.

суббота, 29 октября 2011 г.

вторник, 3 мая 2011 г.

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Is my rabbit male or female?

Is my rabbit male or female?

Sexing rabbits is not really hard to do. You can usually do a good job identifying a buck from a doe, at least from the age of 3 weeks and on. An older buck is easy to identify. The head and body is generally more blocky than the doe. Does of the medium and large breeds often develop a fold of skin under their chins. This fold is called a dewlap. Older does are usually larger than bucks of the same breed. A buck's testicles can be seen on a hot day. The testicles must be kept at a certain temperature in order for sperm to be produced. The testicles descend further on hot days and are brought back toward the body on cool days. In this way their temperature is regulated.

Determining the sex of an older rabbit from a distance is usually easy to do, keeping the above differences in mind. Before discussing close up sexual identification, let's go over some definitions.


The round opening at the rearmost area of the rabbit, on the belly side, next to the tail. Its purpose is to eliminate solid waste from the body. In other words, it's where the poop comes out. It is an unsanitary hole. It can carry many types of germs.
The male Rabbit.
The female Rabbit.
The male's sexual organ. It is located next to the anus, a little further away from the tail. It is cylindrical in shape coming to a rounded point at the end. It has a dual purpose. It eliminates liquid waste from the body. In other words, it's where the pee (urine) comes out. The urine is normally sanitary, without germs. The order cialis has another purpose. That purpose is to release sperm into the doe's vagina so that the doe can produce baby bunnies.
A male's sperm and hormone producing organs. These are elongated pink sacks on either side of the cheap cialis that descend from within the buck as he gets older. Normally the testicles are not visible until about 2 or more months of age. Their first appearance may vary, depending on the sexual maturity of the buck and the temperature.
The female's sexual organ. It is somewhat like a slit and looks similar to the penis when you push down to identify it, but it can be easily distinguished from the penis because a penis does not normally have a slit (except in rare circumstances). The vagina also normally has visible blood vessels running down each side of the inside of the slit. The purpose of the vagina is to receive the sperm from the buck so that she can have bunnies. The vagina acts as the birth canal from which the babies are born and houses her urinary tract opening toward the front of the slit which allows her to urinate (pee).
Vent Area
The general area that includes the sex organs and anus.

To identify the sex of a rabbit at a closer range, you must hold the rabbit upside down. If done correctly, this hypnotizes the rabbit and makes it easier to examine. I always recommend wearing a long sleeve thick cloth jacket to avoid getting scratched by the rabbit.

To determine the sex of the rabbit, use your forefinger and middle finger to press down the vent area just in front of the anus. In both the doe and buck, the area will protrude. The doe will display a slit or central line running up and down. Each side of the slit will be banded in pink.

The buck, on the other hand, will display, if less than 5 weeks old, a blunt white tube without a central line. It will not have pink traversing either side of a center line. Older bucks will present a pink tube with a pointed end that resembles a bullet.

With younger rabbits, you must look very closely to see the difference.

With a little bit of practice, you, too, will be able to easily distinguish between male and female rabbits.
I have included some photos to help

Male(BUCK) 9 Months

Female(DOE) 9 months

Male(BUCK) 4 weeks old

Female(DOE) 4 weeks old